100% OFF AWS Cloud Essentials for a Devops Engineer Coupon Code
100% OFF AWS Cloud Essentials for a Devops Engineer Coupon Code
  • Promoted by: Anonymous
  • Platform: Udemy
  • Category: Network & Security
  • Language: English
  • Instructor: Gourav Shah , School of Devops
  • Duration: 6 hour(s)
  • Student(s): 1,256
  • Rate 4 Of 5 From 0 Votes
  • Expired on March 14, 2025
  • Price: 34.99

Learn to build a scalable, fault tolerant, self healing infrastructure on AWS. VPC, EC2, RDS, S3, Autoscaling

Unlock your potential with a coupon code for the "AWS Cloud Essentials for a Devops Engineer" course by Gourav Shah , School of Devops on Udemy. This course, boasting a 4.0-star rating from 0 reviews and with 1,256 enrolled students, provides comprehensive training in Network & Security.
Spanning approximately 6 hour(s) , this course is delivered in English and we updated the information on March 14, 2025.

To get your free access, find the coupon code at the end of this article. Happy learning!

With its launch in the first decade of this century, Amazon Web Services, commonly abbreviated as AWS, has transformed most aspects our lives. If you look around, you may notice most of our data, social profiles, photographs, even the most essential files are stored, synchronised and shared via cloud. Almost every application that you use on your mobile is connected to the cloud in some ways. And AWS has been at the forefront of this transformation. Cloud has brought the utility model to computing by lowering the capital expenses, entry barrier and truly enabling anyone to try out their ideas with the minimal risk.

Amongst the public cloud providers, AWS leads the space with a significant margins, and that is the reason why if you would like to get started with Cloud Computing, its the AWS that we recommend as the first platform to learn. And if you have knowledge of AWS, you would find comfortable using most of the other cloud platforms as the fundamentals are the same with parallel set of services .
List of services offered by AWS is just overwhelming. This course is meant to be a quick introduction to Cloud Computing, AWS and the most essential services offered by it. This course starts with the foundations of cloud, introduces you to AWS platform, and helps you start building your infrastructure on cloud from grounds up. It covers most commonly used services such as,

- Identity and Access Management (IAM)
- Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
- Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2)
- Relational Database Service (RDS)
- Simple Storage Service (S3)
- Autoscaling and Cloudwatch

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