100% OFF Firebase Database : CRUD Android App Development Coupon Code
100% OFF Firebase Database : CRUD Android App Development Coupon Code
  • Promoted by: Anonymous
  • Platform: Udemy
  • Category: Mobile Development
  • Language: Hindi
  • Instructor: Ganesh Kadam
  • Duration: 2 hour(s)
  • Student(s): 9,973
  • Rate 4.6 Of 5 From 0 Votes
  • Expires on: 2025/03/22
  • Price: 19.99 0

Best course for fresher to understand basic concept and upgrade there skills- Firebase Database : CRUD Android App Devel

Unlock your potential with a Free coupon code for the "Firebase Database : CRUD Android App Development" course by Ganesh Kadam on Udemy. This course, boasting a 4.6-star rating from 0 reviews and with 9,973 enrolled students, provides comprehensive training in Mobile Development.
Spanning approximately 2 hour(s) , this course is delivered in Hindi and we updated the information on March 19, 2025.

To get your free access, find the coupon code at the end of this article. Happy learning!

This Firebase Database course is in Hindi Language. Learn Firebase Database in only 1.5hr. In this Firebase Database course, we are going to learn JDBC from scratch an our goal is to be a master in Firebase Database. This course is in Hindi language so it’s very easy to understand basic concepts and easily understand the problem while we face during the coding. At the completion of the course you definitely mention the Firebase Database in your resume. And you are able to code a program. With this knowledge you can start any development tool to make projects. If you are new in this guaranteed after this Firebase Database course you will be familiar to run the program and help you to develop your coding performance.

From 11th stander and above can be avail this Firebase Database course. If you're in other industry like mechanical or non-it filed this video is best suitable for you. Basic and essential points are covered in this Firebase Database course.

We are going to provide a ppt in which all includes all Firebase Database codes which we are shown in video. Feel free to make practice in Firebase Database

Firebase Database Concepts are explained in Hindi.

Firebase Database Course contains :-

  1. Introduction

  2. Introduction of Database

  3. What is Firebase Database and it advantages

  4. Firebase Database Features

  5. Firebase configuration with android

  6. Insert Single Value in Database

  7. Insert multiple value in Database

  8. Retrieve List / Data from Database

  9. Update Data in Database

  10. Delete data from Database

This course is designed to take into consideration of actual use

*Firebase Database *

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