Learn basics of Physics (in elementary manner)
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for the "Physics in Motion (Fundamentals of Physics)" course by infusion X on Udemy.
This course, boasting a 3.9-star rating from 0 reviews
and with 4,450 enrolled students, provides comprehensive training in Science.
Spanning approximately
2 hour(s)
, this course is delivered in English
and we updated the information on March 21, 2025.
To get your free access, find the coupon code at the end of this article. Happy learning!
Do you want to learn a short glimpse of Physics?
Welcome dear friend,
Pour up your emotions because this is Physics in motion. In this course we're gonna learn comprehensive ways of Physics from scratch.
Step by Step we are going to explore all the fundamental and key concepts that become the basis of Physics.
After teaching 100's of students successfully in my Offline classes i decided to share this knowledge with the world.
In this course we're going to learn:
1. Motion & Rest
2. One dimensional motion
3. Graphs
4. Laws of motion
5. Gravitation
"In the 1st section we're going to learn absolute and relative rest and motion.
Difference b/w Distance & Displacement.
Rate that tells Speed & Velocity and finally rate of velocity which is Acceleration. In this section we will learn and get clear about Rest & Motion and all the basics you're gonna need to start understanding stop and moving."
"In section 2 We're going to learn One dimensional motion in which we will explore all the equations of motion that will take our knowledge to the next level. We are going to learn its derivation & its practical application that you're going to solve with me.."
"In 3rd Section we will explore Graphs.
Increasing, decreasing, uniform, Non- uniform motions. We're gonna see slope and area of the graphs. We're gonna see displacement time, velocity time and acceleration time graph & to represent motion and rest by graphs. So there's a lot to grasp and that much fun"
"In Section 4 we're going to see the Laws of Motion and meet with great minds.. Galileo, Kepler, Aristotle & Our Friend Newton. We're going to learn Parabola and Trajectory path and its motion and after this you will able to calculate and understand what actually happen when a ball is thrown up and horizontal (2 dimensionally) and finally we will learn all the 3 most famous laws of motion gave by Newton. This section has packed fun that is waiting to unwrap by you"
"In Section 5 we're going to learn Gravitation one of the greatest discovery in Mankind. Its understanding started with ground and take off to the launching of Satellites and Rockets. In this section we're going to explore all this amazing science. So join now and master the art of Physics"
With 100's of practice problem with solution will going to endorse your journey in learning Physics. Give that your best effort and make it a reality that Physics is not any difficult subject for you anymore.
With section wise breakup & indepth lessons that make it interactive & easy to learn. Awareness quiz to check your attention with quick notes & practice mcq questions with solutions.
If you tired of resources and still can't start your Physics journey. This is perfect place to start with. You will feel like you are creating Physics.
I am gonna update this course even further with more updates.. So don't miss out!
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