100% OFF SMART Goals Parenting Coupon Code
100% OFF SMART Goals Parenting Coupon Code
  • Promoted by: Anonymous
  • Platform: Udemy
  • Category: Parenting & Relationships
  • Language: English
  • Instructor: Helen Hicks , Baba Oyewole
  • Duration: 7 hour(s)
  • Student(s): 2,940
  • Rate 4.8 Of 5 From 9 Votes
  • Expires on: 2025/02/15
  • Price: 19.99 0

5 Skills to Parenting Healthier and Easier. Bye-Bye Power Struggles!

Unlock your potential with a Free coupon code for the "SMART Goals Parenting" course by Helen Hicks , Baba Oyewole on Udemy. This course, boasting a 4.8-star rating from 9 reviews and with 2,940 enrolled students, provides comprehensive training in Parenting & Relationships.
Spanning approximately 7 hour(s) , this course is delivered in English and we updated the information on February 12, 2025.

To get your free access, find the coupon code at the end of this article. Happy learning!

Many parents describe the desires for their children as "I want my kids to be happy" or "I want them to have a good life." But these goals are abstract and difficult to achieve once, let alone repeat. SMART Goals Parenting breaks these (and other) abstract desires down into their basic foundational components that allow you and your child to achieve happiness, connection, trust and respect... repeatedly.

SMART Goals Parenting's objective is to provide you with the knowledge and tools to cultivate your desired relationship with your child while also preparing your child for being able to one day cultivate happiness and success for him/herself. You will learn the two SMART goals, which will be your guiding lights are you traverse the terrain of parenthood. As long as you maintain your focus on what you are ultimately trying to achieve you won't get lost in the minutia.

After learning the SMART goals you will learn how to identify and avoid the pitfalls of choosing fear over love and discarding self-care. Engaging in these two behaviors will sabotage all of your work. It will be like pouring water into a bottle with no bottom. If you have ever felt unappreciated, unloved, disrespected or criticized for your parenting efforts then I am certain one or both of these barriers are at play.

The next few lessons will tackle guidance. My goal is to get you to the point when guiding your child is a simple conversation in which both of you feel understood and respected. Until then, you may need these skills to help you navigate. Choices, Consequences, Rewards and Reinforce are the four parts of seamless discipline. Streamline how you discipline and remove all power struggles. Doing so will solidify you as your child's respected figure and someone s/he can look up to.

The last, but not least topics covered are the most used parts of communication - listening and speaking. You should listen to understand and speak to build trust.

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